brochure the art work

Was busying with the assignment,group assignment for abnormal psychology. The assign needs us to design a factsheet (can be in any form like brochure,booklet,etc) for PHOBIA or ANXIETY DISORDER..

Our group chosen phobia, and start doing it for our own part(we divided the job)..the typing and finding part is easy..the hardest part is to design a brochure..

EXCUSE ME,we are counselling student,and we are not taught on how to design things..we struggle n lappy has microsoft work that has a program for designing lucky m i..haha.. bt until to putting everything together in 1 piece is like omg..hate it..we done abt 80% n let the group mates to print it..

i get to see the result today..just before we hand in to lecturer…haha..the group mates when and find shop that can use microsoft work n i was worry cz something was not done at the day b4..was worry n worry..finally is done.

THE ART WORK THING IS DONE..lazy to post the pic of our brochure..hehe..will update soon..



et said...

the brochure leh?